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Links to other sites

Music for Fair Organs, Band Organs.
Hints and tips for organ grinders, etc.
Melvyn Wright
Mechanical Organs Forum
Discussion Forum for Fair Organs, Band Organs, Street Organs, etc.

John Smith's Organ Plans
Castlewood Organs.
Suppliers of Organ Kits
Peter Osborne's John Smith site Peter Osborne
Herbert´s und Mathias´s Drehorgelhomepage

Pauliphonic Organs
Organola Draaiorgels
Gordon Symonds Busker Organ page
Crevecoeur.  Typical French street singer and his monkey organ

Nick Williams Fair Organ site Nick Williams
British Organ Grinders Association BOGA
Flora & Co.
Suppliers of ready-built John Smith organs (archive site)
Flora & Co.
The Fair Organ Preservation Society FOPS
Burl Updyke Busker Organ page
Musicaldo - Italian Busker Organ Site
Ed Gaida's Automatic Music site Ed Gaida
David Burville - Organ Builder and Restorer
James Dundon’s Dutch Street Organ
Mechanical Organ Owners Society MOOS
Rob Barker - Organ Builder ROB BARKER
Anatoly Zaya-Ruzo Automata and organ builder ANATOLY ZAYA-RUZO
Gisli Olsen's Busker Organ page GISLI OLSEN
Anders Stigo - Swedish organ grinder ANDERS STIGO
Steve Toyne's Web Site FENLAND ORGANS
John Pettifer's Web Site PET BUSKER
Chris Cable's Raffin Site RAFFIN PLAYER'S PAGE
Hand Cranked Street Barrel Organs & Manivelle Music Boxes
Self-build Street Organ Kits.
Small MIDI Pipe Organs for Street, Fairground or Home.
(Mention this site to get a discount on Direct Action Chest Magnets.)
Wagner Mello's site showing extensive construction photos of 26-note organ WAGNER MELLO
Wiel Geraats Organ Site HOBBYDRAAIORGEL
Mechanical Music and Organ Supplies MUSICANIC
Building a JS Busker Organ in a week (well almost!)  Read from bottom to top JULIE PORTER
Paul Garwood's Music Site PAUL GARWOOD

This web site is copyright (C) Melvyn Wright and individual contributors