My Music Roll Editor

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Many people ask me what software I use to write my music and create all my music rolls and books.

I actually wrote the software myself, and published it in 1988. It was the first computer editor designed specifically for editing music rolls and organ books. This was before the use of the PC or MIDI in the consumer marketplace, so it was written entirely in Z80 Machine Code for an 8-bit Amstrad home computer.

At that time, all music rolls and books were drawn out laboriously with a pencil and square on a composer's plank or a barrel, so this program caused quite a sensation at the time, as it completely revolutionised the process. It also made it possible to hear the music whilst it was being created, without having to punch out a music book (full of mistakes), find an organ to play it on, and then correct all the mistakes and do it all again!  It was featured in a 1988 edition of The Key Frame magazine.

Unfortunately, anybody who bought my program also had to buy the computer to run it on!  But it was such a revolutionary advance that many people did just that.  The Amstrad computer that it was written for has been superseded by the PC for many years now, but despite the many desperate pleas for me to convert it to run on a modern PC, I have never been able to find the time to do so.  In 2012 my original equipment was on its last legs and I finally managed to re-write the program to run on a Windows PC, and also to make a number of significant improvements at the same time.

So here it is. I have been using this program to write all my music for the past 30 years or more! It has been used to create thousands of pieces of music for mechanical organs, by me and many other professional arrangers since 1988. There are more modern MIDI editors than this, but I believe that this program is still unsurpassed for the specific purpose of creating music rolls and books for mechanical organs. Because I am a professional music arranger, and I wrote the program myself, I was able to add every facility I wanted.

There is no need to learn anything about MIDI or Channels and Tracks, and other MIDI complications.  You just edit the music roll on the screen - what could be simpler?  The Editor presents a graphical display of the music roll on the screen. This may be scrolled up and down as required, and 'holes' may be punched or deleted by simple key presses. Once the music is finished, the program will produce a MIDI file which can then be used to print out a music book, operate an automatic punching machine, or play the organ directly. It can also produce Pell Harmonist and Harmonette files (the only program that can).

Music editing uses the computer keyboard rather than a mouse, and is extremely fast once learnt. Whole notes, and even trills and drum rolls can be inserted with a single key press, and whole melody lines and chords can be created in just a few seconds. Many functions are provided to help speed up the editing of the music.  


* System completely replaces the traditional composer's plank and drawing board
* Vertical display of music roll, just like a player piano
* No screen clutter! You just see the music roll, and virtually nothing else!
* Create and edit music by using just the cursor keys and space bar
* Straightens out scrambled scales
* Produces MIDI files and Harmonist music. (MIDI files can be used to produce rolls and books, etc.)
* Everything appears on the same screen - including Counter-Melody, Percussion, Tempo, Registers, etc.
* Music can be played and tested during arranging
* 8-channel sound output simulates all pipework, Percussion, Bass Helpers, etc.
* Any organ scale up to 64 keys
* Notes missing from the organ do not appear on the screen, so it is impossible to insert illegal notes.
* All normal word processor-type options included: Block move; block copy; block delete; fast searches; etc.
* Serial and Chord editing modes
* All registers and percussion are controlled from the music roll in the same way as on the actual organ
* All types of register control systems catered for: Set/Cancel, Declanche, Continuous hole, Harmonist, etc.
* Pipework and registers are all user-defined, for maximum versatility
* Includes automatic section repeats (macros)
* Rolls or parts of rolls can be merged into each other
* Noteurs' on-roll comments, bookmarks, and references
* Automatic drum rolls, trills, tremulant and octaves
* Automatic drum and cymbal advance
* Automatic checks for errors in the music roll
* Adjustable tempo and timing scales
* Will not allow notes or timings to be entered which are not playable on the organ
* Will transpose and convert music from one organ scale to another
* Can import MIDI and Harmonist files
* Constant display of duration and length of roll
* Customisable audio
* An assortment of organ scales supplied, ready to use
* Approx. 50-page e-manual and Help system, including a MIDI primer and MIDI reference tables
* The program is portable and does not need installing
* Many more features too numerous to mention!

Features in italics are not included in the Trial Version. The Trial Version can hold up to 1 minute of music


Trial Version  (Free)

Upgrade to Full Version  £30  (payable by Paypal)
Please try the Trial Version first

Comprehensive Instruction Manual  (Free)

Sample Organ Scales for use with the Editor   (Free)


This web site is copyright (C) Melvyn Wright and individual contributors